December 12th

Date: 9 July 2019

Ned is Lucy's very handsome sprocker spaniel. He is a rescue from Margret Green Animal Rescue which is here in the Isle of Purbeck. He's almost 9 now so Lucy has had him for almost 6 years! He is Lucy's loyal sidekick, accompanying her to the shows and often taking centre stage in the shop, welcoming the customers & generally being the center of attention! He is a huge fan of the occasional treat & an all round 'good boy'. Unlike most spaniels... Ned has his very own range of products (oooooo); you can see him on mugs, dog bowls, reuseable tote bags, cards, tea towels, cheeseboards and of course fine art prints. He's a typical spaniel in that he loves a good walk and this is often where Lucy finds inspiration for new paintings.
Get 15% off Neds range with code NED15

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