December 3rd

Date: 9 July 2019

"It does vary a little depending on what I'm working on and what mood I'm in! But generally speaking, I first sketch out on to the canvas in pencil (don't tell my old art teachers, that was always a no no!!). Then I just get started!

Sometimes I work a bit back to front, if I'm doing one of my selfie paintings I'll often paint the animal first before I start on the background. 

1. With the face complete, you can see the background roughly sketched out in pencil ready for the next step!

2. Ta da!

When I paint my pet portraits I usually start with the eyes, once you get those right the rest tends to just work, a lot of the animals character is in their eyes so it's can be the most important bit to get right. 

Once I've finished a painting it'll take a few days to dry as I use Oils, then its varnished and ready to go. "

Here are some more photos of Lucy in action!

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